Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Humpty- dumty had a great fall. .

  Dear Mummum;Mamoni;
I have been wanting to write for a long time but due to some unforeseen circumstances I could not do so.However I shall try to&;reconstruct the events.Way back on the 17th of this month we had gone out shopping in a mall ; while returning your DIDA suddenly slipped on the staircase from the fourth rung and; then HUMPTY DUMPTY HAD A GREAT FALL right on the road side.After clearing sizeable number of onlookers I and Pervez managed to put her in the car ;;DROVE like mad without careing fortraffic signal; reached  the X -ray dept ; sure  enough the surgeon pronounced his verdict like a judge sitting behind a Podium.HIS LORDSHIP ANNOUNCED MADAM TAPATI MUKERJI HAS SUPRACONDYLAR FRACTURE LEFT FEMUR WITH INTER CONDYLAR EXTENSION and thereafter the judge laid down the operative procedure:....ORIF WITH CONDYLER PLATE AND SCREWS+BONE GRAFTING.
      Before going to the operation theater she was wheeled into the emergency ward where a number of docs checked various parameters noted them down to be given to the anesthetist and the ortho specialist. After about two hours a smiling dida is wheeled out and placed  in the surgical ICU.The doc said Madam laugh &; smile as much as u can now but after the effect of anasthesia is worn out that u will feel the pain.Sure enough she did.
       However she bore the pain very bravely and after a couple;of days she was fairly well.I realized now as to how popular she is.Hordes of people used to visit her and when I came back home OH! my GOD telephone after telephone.I used to get fed up.I actually cursed them but this is true friendship and you cannot avoid it.They give you a sense of belonging;which is very heartening.After a few days of stay in the hospital Dida was released.Everything went off well till she came upto the gate of our comlex The in gate being narrow the ambulance could not enter and so we had to unload her on a mobile stretcher,pushed her from our gate till the lift.The biggest problem arose now.The lift was too small to take astretcher and then we tried the staire but unfortunatly that too turned out to be too small.Ultimately we had to get the swivel chair and fitted your Dida,put her in the lift with the plastered leg (left)lifted up and resting on Pervez"s
shoulder and poor Pervez sitting on the floor of the lift.With grit,determination and clenching her teeth SHE bore the pain Once in the bed she had a sigh of relief.This was around 9pm.Next morningatrained maid came,followed by a cook afew days later.
On the sixth day Dr Anand came home to cut the stitches.I offered him a cup of CAPPUCINNO which he accepted with humility.


  1. Papa this is SOOO WELL WRITTEN!!!! OMG! Well done Colonel!!! Looking fwd to the follow up of Humpty Dumpty! But fortunately All the Kings Men (with Pervez as the captain, Anand, friends and you) could put Humpty Dumpty together again!
    Love Mamoni

  2. Dear dadu and dida!

    WOOOW!! :D What a blog you are writing! it's marvelous! I am so happy and relieved to read that dida is doing well! I am also so sorry that i haven't called earlier since I arrived home in Vancouver - there have been so many things to do and work to begin with. The Children are not beginning school til 7th Sep. 6th being a holiday. :)

    But I will call tonight! I miss you so much and long to hear your voices!

    Lots of love as always,

